Product Overview
The U2 Matrix Porous Stem and U2 Matrix HA stem are designed for enhanced stability through a tri-wedge geometry design and advanced proximal coatings. These stems are also designed to reduce stress shielding via a polished distal shaft and Matrix size distribution.
Matrix size distribution
Addresses both proximal and distal canal “fit-and-fill” in order to achieve optimal load transfer and excellent initial stability in a variety of femoral canal shapes.
Examples of Matrix size distribution
Proximal size 3 is available in 10, 11, and 12 mm distal diameter options.

11 mm distal diameter is available in #2, #3, and #4 proximal size options.

Product Features

U2 Cemented Stem
The U2 Cemented stem offers a backup solution for the U2 Matrix Porous Stem or U2 Matrix HA Stem when unexpected bone quality is identified.
It shares the same instruments with U2 Matrix stems and preserves the appropriate cement thickness around the stem to help ensure optimal canal fit.